Friday, 18 March 2011

All aboard Qantas QF02 and we are off.

Charleen took us to Heathrow and we avoided the 3 hour holdup on the M4 (multiple pile up) thanks to Fiona for the Text warning us. So feeling pleased despite not being able to book in over the Net and indeed not able to use the self booking system at the airport (system failures). Got a spare seat between us coupled with quick getaway and an early arrival which made life much easier.

Of course one of our main bags was overweight so some baggage swapping required for the onward flight to Chaing Mai took place which provided me with some embarassment moments later. The security guy discovered liquids in my hand luggage (the transffered contents of Linda's main baggage) ! Once you get to this stage it is a small toothcomb job and the associated pain with it! We survived to arrive in Chaing Mai 50 minutes late.

Richard and Fee picked us up and we went out for a interesting meal in the student district.

Today we visited the old walled town centre on foot. Four hours later I was begining to look as thin as the locals ! Great Day so far going out with Richard again tonight.

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